Is Pastafarianism a parody or a religion? What is a ‘religion’ anyway? Can an internet movement originally intended as a joke be used to challenge the status quo of religious privilege in law and society around the world? And what happens when followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster start taking their ‘faith’ seriously?
We have returned to these questions several times in the pages of the Freethinker. Editor Emma Park has also written on similar themes for the New Humanist and podcasted for the National Secular society.
On 16 March, Emma will be giving a talk organised by the Central London Humanists to explore these issues further.
Meeting details
Registration: Register on Meetup here.
Date: Thursday 16 March 2023
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm, followed by drinks at a nearby bar
Venue: Old Diorama Arts Centre, Regent’s Place, 201 Drummond St, London, NW1 3FE
Cost: £3.00
All profits to the National Literacy Trust.
More about the talk
Emma will look at the origins of the Pastafarian movement, the evolution and distinguishing characteristics of its ‘churches’ around the world, and some of the legal cases to reach the European Court of Human Rights and courts in the US, Australia and Canada.
She will also consider the ways in which the symbols of the movement – colander, pasta crown, pirate hat – have been used in protest in a variety of contexts and in countries from Russia to Austria, from Canada to Australia.
Bibliography of Pastafarianism
What is ‘religion’? Strasbourg and the Pastafarians again, by Frank Cranmer
Religious Privilege 2 : 0 Pastafarians, by Niko Alm
Flying spaghetti monsters, by Emma Park (New Humanist)
The secular religion of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, by Mienke de Wilde and Paul Cliteur
Judging the Flying Spaghetti Monster, by Derk Venema and Niko Alm
Pastafarianism and the meaning of religion, National Secular Society podcast with Derk Venema, Tony Meacham, and Tanya Watkins, Captain of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Australia
Pastafarian Month at the Freethinker
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