Back in 2011, an Australian independent MP, Bob Katter above, was slammed by his gay half-brother for saying that the idea of same-sex marriage deserved to be ridiculed.
The Christian fundamentalist told an anti-gay rally at Parliament House in Canberra:
Truly this proposition deserves to be laughed at and ridiculed. It doesn’t serve any serious treatment.
His half-brother Carl Katter immediately hit back, saying such a view was:
Hurtful, its dangerous, it’s damaging, and it’s really inappropriate.
Well, today, Katter is is the one who is being laughed at and ridiculed because of his insistence at a press conference last week that Australia should be concentrating on more pressing issues than marriage equality – like an epidemic of crocodile attacks.
According to this report, Katter was asked for his view on Australia’s historic vote in favour of marriage equality – and his response took more than one unexpected turn.
He anwered brightly, chuckling as he spoke:
I mean, y’know, people are entitled to their sexual proclivities. Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom, as far as I’m concerned.
But in an instant, face changed, his tone suddenly furious, and he spat:
But I ain’t spendin’ any time on it, because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland.
Writing for The Friendly Atheist, David G McAfee said:
If this allegation about crocodiles were true, it would certainly be alarming (though still not a reason to vote against gay marriage). But it’s not true, because there have only been 11 fatal crocodile attacks in Queensland since 1985, according to data provided by the Australian Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.
The crocodile epidemic might not be real, but Katter didn’t just pull the idea out of nowhere. He has campaigned for a crocodile cull in northern Queensland for years and criticised politicians whom he says ‘don’t understand’ the problem.
In one instance, he attacked other politicians’ ignorance on the matter … while using a photo of a crocodile only found in Africa.
In August this year, Katter complained in a badly written blog that Queensland’s government was set on eradicating:
Christian moral teachings from schoolyards …
Secularist attacks upon Christianity inundate – Nativity scenes gone. Star removed from Christmas trees.
Katter insisted that Judeo-Christian (sic) was the motivating force of some of the most prominent names in our history books.
Pasteur, Newton, Einstein, Galileo, Mandell and Faraday all practiced Judeo-Christianity and the three great men of European history: Alfred the Great, Constantine and Charlemagne were all fathers of European Christianity.
He added that Christian churches were being ridiculed and he was sick of sitting back and “copping it” from the humanists and the Darwinians.
Let’s face our enemy squarely; the humanists and the Darwinians. We will stand as Christians on our record. Islam from Arabia executed 23,000 Christians in Aleppo while the Turkish Islam came back a century later and murdered 33,000 Christians. Arguably, the only time the Middle East knew peace was under the Crusaders.
We make no apologies. We serve notice that we will not continue to cop persecution until they annihilate us.
Or maybe, Bob, atheist crocs may get to you first.